4 bed room Bungalow
House type: Bungalow
Luxury: normal
Surface Area: 270m2
Rooms: 4
Pallor: 1
Toilet: 3
Car pack:❌
Kitchen: 1
Kitchen Store: ❌
Fence: ✅
Office: ❌
Swimming Pool: ❌
4-Bedroom Family house with private space for the family. There is a large kitchen with access to the veranda. One of the unique features of this plan is the location of the backdoor which is at the side of the house. The interior decoration and design match the exterior tiles.
Complete plan Documents
All Floor plans ✅
All Elevation plan ✅
A Roof plan ✅
A section view ✅
Electrical Installation plan ✅
Septic Tank and Soak away details ✅
Door and Window schedules ✅
3 D Images ✅
Bill of quantities. ✅
Cost: FCFA 💰
Cost: $0 💰
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