Our onstruction process follows six steps which has proven to be successful
This is the very beginning of the construction process. At this stage, the client dreams
up the building or facility they want.
Conception is the stage where ideas are at their most fluid, but it also creates the foundation
of the construction process.
The design phase is where the client's idea is studied and drawn up. for the first time the client gets to see what the project will look like when it is finished.
At this stage, you get to know about the estimate of your construction project. The validation of the estimate is followed by assigning important roles to our workers for the execution of the project plan.
Next is procurement which is the most straightforward step in the construction process. Procurement is simply the buying (or renting) of all the stuff needed for the construction project.
Time to dig in the dirt, pour some concrete, bend some rebar, and fire up the welder. Now the project finally moves from paper (or more accurately, a CAD drawing) to the physical world.
Everything is built but you aren’t done yet. Now you have to inspect everything. The final checklist, called a project punch list, has to be signed off on before the client moves in.